Monday, June 30, 2008

To Eat Like A Peasant

I am feeling the reality of this statement: YOU HAVE TO BE RICH TO EAT LIKE A PEASANT. I want to buy organic and locally. And I do. But I am limited. I don't get as much variety as I would like. I should stop buying so many cook books because I want to make everything in them, but most recipes will only last one meal yet cost a fortune. Alas! The solution would be to have a garden...where to put one when you live in an apartment? There's so so so much to invest in right now: a garden. juicer. dehydrator. mandolin. etc. etc. None of these are inexpensive. Sorry to complain. I know that if I was a little more disciplined in my consumption in other areas I would be able to save some pennies for these cooking investments. I'm a book-aholic these days.

I am also interested in finding a part-time job where I could learn to bake bread & pastries or a job where I could learn how to cook "outside the box" so to say. Anyone know of anything in my Sacramento area?

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