Sunday, June 22, 2008

Summer Solstice: Our Tradition

The loot from the Woodland Farmer's Market: figs, apricots, beets, green tomatoes, big beef tomatoes, early girl tomatoes, ambrosia cantaloupe, grapefruit, and corn on the cob.
figs, fried green tomatoes, corn on the cob, and...
Ambrosia cantaloupe with vanilla bean ice cream for dessert. The ambrosia has 30% more natural sugars than a typical store-bought cantaloupe...which is why we ate it for dessert.
Ceej and I originally called this holiday "Mid-Christmas" as we felt there was a dearth of gift-giving holidays in the summer. Until this year, we never really nailed down the specific rituals that would go along with the holiday. Now that we've changed it to the Summer Solstice celebration we will celebrate with produce of the season, jump over bonfires (well, candles at least), send flowers down the river for fertility goddesses, and give thanks for the approaching new seasons.


Dianne said...

I can't remember if I have tasted figs. Are they like dates? How do you fix them, eat them raw? It all looked delicious. I used to eat ice cream in cantelope. Summer Day is a good day to celebrate. Beets and corn on the cob and fresh green beans and carrots are the vegetables that bring back the feel of summer. The fruit is something I look forward to all year. I think I will be getting some tomatoes this year. Hurray! So far, I have had dominion over the deer.
Keep the ideas coming.

Erin Johnson said...

i love you! you are so inspiring! the farmer's market is just starting up here in slc. i can't wait till we've got the peaches and pears (if i've had any cravings being pregnant, it's been for fresh fruit--and the stuff from the store is only getting me by).