Monday, June 30, 2008

Mini Cupcakes: Unsuccessful

I bought a mini cupcake pan over the weekend and was very excited to try it out on Sunday. Last time I made cupcakes I set the oven 50 degrees cooler than what was called for (since my old old oven is more than dead) and everything turned out perfect. So I tried the same trick with the vanilla mini cupcakes. Not so good. The cupcakes on the edges were golden, but the cupcakes toward the center of the pan were still gooey. Hm. My other mistake was filling each cupcake slot 2/3 full (like the recipe said). They overflowed into each other. Next time I will fill them only 1/2 way full. The photo is NOT of my cupcakes. These ones are pretty. I didn't take pictures of my not-so-pretty cupcakes. I'm always a little miffed when things don't work out, but that's how cooking goes, yes? You win some and you lose some. The good news is the cupcakes tasted very yummy, and we ate them with blueberries, strawberries, covered with a citrus glaze. Mmmm.

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