Thursday, July 10, 2008

Homemade Pesto

This stuff is oh so yummy! AND cheap! I got the basil from the farmer's market for only $1.00 for a huge bunch. That's right $1.00. That same bunch of basil could have cost me $15.00 at the grocery store. Farmer's Market: 1 point. So I guess it doesn't cost a fortune to eat like a peasant. I stand corrected. Happily.

2 c. packed fresh basil
1/2 c. pine nuts or pistachios
1/4 c. olive oil
1/8 tsp. salt
Mix it all up in a food processor...and PRESTO! You've got yourself some Pesto!


Lisa said...

Hi Ann - I don't know if you remember me, but I am Andrea M's sister in law. Found your blog through hers and this blog of yours off of your main page. I just read a book I think you might love it's called Animal.Vegetable.Miracle. Has a lot of these same concepts that I definitely agree with. Ryan and I just moved to Belgium and I am looking forward to implementing some of these same techniques at the local farmers markets! You can find my blog through Andreas. :)


Natalie said...

Soooo, good! I made it tonight for dinner and we loved it! I love looking at your blogs. It's so fun to see all the yummy things you have been cooking. Thanks for the veggie help, so far I am completely delighted with how yummy everything is and my husband is enjoying it as well. Yea for getting healthy and veggified!